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Caching can significantly speed up repeated checks by reducing requests to the same URL during consecutive runs. For instance, caching responses from can decrease the load when checking multiple links. Here’s how to cache the results of a Lychee run.

Caching on the command line

To cache the results of a lychee run, you can use the --cache flag. This will save the results to a .lycheecache file in the current directory. The next time you run lychee with the --cache flag, it will use the cached results instead of making a new request.

Terminal window
lychee --cache --verbose --no-progress './**/*.md' './**/*.html'

Caching in Docker

If you’re running lychee inside a Docker container, caching is still possible, but a little trickier.

You need to create a volume to cache the results. This way, the results will persist between runs.

You need to create the .lycheecache file in the current directory before running the Docker container.

Terminal window
touch .lycheecache
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/.lycheecache:/.lycheecache lycheeverse/lychee --cache --verbose

Caching in GitHub Actions

To see how you can cache the results of a lychee run in GitHub Actions, check out this page.