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Rate Limits

Limit The Number Of Retries

If lychee hits a 429, it will retry the request (after some exponential backoff). With many concurrent requests to the same site, this increases the chances of getting rate limited. (See also Thundering herd problem.)

To avoid that, set the number of retries to 0: --max-retries 0.

Reduce The Number Of Concurrent Requests

You can limit the total number of concurrent requests with --max-concurrency. This way you can give the remote server some time to breath in-between requests and reduce the risk of getting rate-limited. Note that this will slow down execution in general, though, so you should play around with different values.

Accept 429 Status Code

As a last resort, you might want to accept 429 as a valid status code. This way, rate limiting issues won’t get reported.

You can either set it as a command-line argument (--accept 200,429) or in the config.

accept = [429, 200]

GitHub Rate Limiting

GitHub has a quite aggressive rate limiter. When you come across errors like

Terminal window
GitHub token not specified. To check GitHub links reliably, use `--github-token`
flag / `GITHUB_TOKEN` env var.

it means you’re getting rate-limited 😐. As per the message, you can make lychee use a GitHub personal access token to circumvent this.

You can optionally set an environment variable with your Github token like so GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxx, or use the --github-token CLI option. It can also be set in the config file. Here is an example config file.

The token can be generated in your GitHub account settings page. A personal token with no extra permissions is enough to be able to check public repos links.

Exclude Entire Website When Getting Rate-Limited

Sometimes you encounter a website with a particularly stringent rate-limiting policy and none of the suggestions work. In that case you can exclude it from getting checked altogether. Example: --exclude

Cache the Results

If the --cache flag is used, this can also help to reduce the amount of calls that are sent to a page because only links that exceed the cache age are queried again. This value can be adjusted with --max-cache-age, e.g. 12h. If you run into rate-limiting issues when using the GitHub Action, see the caching configuration here.